Online Therapy for Women with Anxiety
Supporting Women with Anxiety in Rancho Cucamonga and Throughout California
The anxiety is killing you…
You manage to stay put together even though you’re suffering inside. Your brain thinks of every possible worst-case scenario and it has you worried.
Upsetting others doesn’t feel like an option. So you say “yes” to things you want to say “no” to just to avoid conflict. You make up scenarios in your head about what’s going to happen next and old conflicts play on a loop in your memories.
The future is uncertain and you want to both avoid it at all costs but will lose sleep preparing for it so nothing takes you by surprise…it’s exhausting.
Balance and Boundaries Therapy can help!
It’s long past due to start therapy. You’ve learned how to ‘just deal’ with the anxiety and suffer in silence. But you have so much potential if you could just get the anxiety under control. That’s where I come in. Elevate your life. Take control of what’s yours: your peace of mind, your time, and your energy.
In therapy, we take a look at your personal history to tailor a treatment plan that is ideal for you and your goals. We focus on coping skills, identify the root of the problem, and practice confidence-building and communication skills to get you from anxious to badass.
Life without anxiety…
Isn’t possible.
HOWEVER… it is possible to live with a lot less anxiety and have the confidence to manage situations when you are feeling anxious. Life with therapy can look like:
Higher self-esteem
Confidence that you can handle difficult situations
Less worry about upsetting people or making them like you
Skills to set boundaries and communicate expectations with less shame, guilt, or fear of the other person
Improved coping skills to slow down those anxious thoughts
A healthier opinion of yourself and capabilities
Less sleepless nights
It’s time to go from anxious to amazing
What others have wondered about anxiety therapy
Anxiety is a perfectly normal emotion and can manifest from a variety of things. Whether you went through something traumatic or not, people can still deal with nervousness and overthinking. In short, we feel anxious when we anticipate something horrible is going to happen and we can’t handle it. Even if something bad isn’t actually happening, the uncertainty of our ability to tolerate it is what creates anxiety.
Healing takes time. Often, people find relief in each session as they start to put pieces together. In between sessions, you may still feel anxious as more questions arise—this is normal. But therapy is tailored to your needs, even if it takes a long time to see change. While anxiety therapy is designed to help you improve, there are no guarantees.
We start off weekly, usually the same time and day each week. When we both have agreed you’re making and sustaining progress, we will discuss scaling down to every other week until you’re ready to terminate therapy.
More questions? Check out my FAQs page.
Areas of Expertise
Anxiety in Women
Poor boundaries
Relationship challenges
Professional burnout
Heavy Emphasis in Setting Boundaries
Learn how to say “No.”
Honesty and transparency in relationships
Reducing shame, guilt, and fear
Learn when to walk away
Set healthy expectations with yourself and others
Lean clear steps to set boundaries

Schedule a Free Consultation
or call 760-281-3364