Online Therapy in Rancho Cucamonga and Throughout California
Anxiety Therapy for Women:
A space for high functioning, anxious, people-pleasing, and perfectionistic women to learn, grow, and set boundaries.
P: 760-281-3364
Find balance, set boundaries
High functioning anxiety:
You’re an overachiever and do well at work. You love being productive and being successful. Well, at least that’s what you look like from the outside. Little do people know the truth about how much you’re overthinking about the fight you had with your mother last week, or that you’re insecure about your weight, or the fact that you haven’t stopped worrying about that upcoming meeting with your boss.
You look completely composed on the outside and you have others convinced you have your shit together. But on the inside, you’re spiraling about things outside your control, losing sleep, hearts is racing…but you wouldn’t dare show your vulnerability to others.
So you got into a conflict and now you’re disappointed in how you handled yourself. You took a verbal beating and didn’t do much to defend yourself. You gave in. You people-pleased. At this point, you feel like you want to either unleash years of anger and resentment onto them or silently cut them off…but you know that’s not heathy.
But you struggle with wanting to be the bigger person and take the high road. You wish you could be unbothered by what people say but the reality is you carry so much resentment and hurt. It feels like there’s no solution.
Productivity is your superpower. You’ve always been smart, goal-oriented, results-driven, and your hard work ethic leads you to success. People assume you’re the type of woman who has her shit together. And they’re mostly right! Little do people know that your drive never stops.
You can’t relax. Sitting still too long makes you nervous and you just HAVE to get up and do something. Being busy makes the anxiety go away. But it’s impacting your personal life. Your family and friends miss you, your sleep gets compromised by your constant overthinking, and the thought of making a mistake terrifies you. Failure is your biggest fear and you’ll do almost anything to avoid it.
Ready to make a change?
To get straight to the point: change is possible.
A life feeling balanced in everything that’s important to you-family, friends, career, hobbies-is possible. Having a backbone to stand up for yourself is possible. Managing anxiety is possible. And if you’re highly motivated and want to achieve mental wellness, then…
Kirsten Cheong LMFT
You’re in the right place
Hey! My name is Kirsten Cheong (Curse-ten Chong). I’m a therapist who knows what it takes to put this suffering behind you.
I help high-achieving anxious women struggling with people-pleasing learn how to set boundaries and say ‘no’ with less guilt, shame, and fear. I help women struggling with perfectionism get to the root cause of their anxiety, process the emotions, and find solutions to disentangle the past and unlearn toxic messages that you’ve internalized.
Women who choose to work with me are cycle-breakers. They are willing to disrupt the patterns of thinking and behaving that have caused so much hurt and anxiety in their lives and others.
I’ve struggled with anxiety, people-pleasing, and perfectionism. Worst case scenarios have happened to me, and guess what…I survived them. And I can teach you how to do the same.
Therapy for Women with Anxiety
Anxiety and overthinking never solved a problem. Therapy can help you learn how to catch yourself when you are overthinking and put a stop to it. Even if you don’t have a glaring childhood trauma-that would make you feel justified in having anxiety-we can review your experiences throughout your life that best explain the development of your preoccupation. We will find applicable skills that work for you to find long-lasting relief from anxiety.
People-pleasing & Boundaries
Learn to say ‘No.’ with less fear, guilt, and shame. You spend hours crafting the perfect text message or rehearsing what you’re going to say before a conflict because you are afraid of upsetting others. Learning how to have healthy boundaries helps people with anxiety stop avoiding conflict because of fear. Therapy can help you become less fearful of conflict and learn how to manage that insufferable anxiety.
Online EMDR Therapy
If you want to go beyond talking about your past and finally feel like you’ve resolved past traumas, EMDR may be for you. EMDR therapy helps connect to the part of yourself that is stuck in the past and suffering from your trauma. Although you had to pull yourself by the bootstraps and move on with life, a version of you relives the trauma everyday. EMDR connects mind and body to help that stuck part find relief from the suffering.
Ready for the next step?
Connect here to schedule a free 20 minute consultation or call me at 760-281-3364. We’ll make sure we’re a good match. I will answer your questions so you can be sure I’m the right therapist for you
Book your first appointment. We’ll get to know each other and start to unpack your history.
Set weekly sessions. This time is dedicated to you and your healing journey!
“The hardest thing about implementing boundaries is accepting that some people won’t like, understand, or agree with yours. Once you grow beyond pleasing others, setting your standards becomes easier. Not being liked by everyone is a small consequence when you consider the overall reward of healthier relationships.”
― Nedra Glover Tawwab, Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself—
Your therapist should be a good fit.
Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to decide if I’m a good fit for you. If we are, great! We’ll schedule your first appointment and begin mapping out a path to your goals.
If not, no problem. I’ll refer to you to another talented therapist in my network who can help.